Formes de Barcelona: an unprecedented show of 300 drones at La Mercè

Formes de Barcelona_drone show_La Mercè

Forms of Barcelona, produced by Flock Dron Arte, is a commission from the ICUB, and will light up the sky of Barcelona with a unique and unprecedented show tailor-made for the city, with clear references to its symbols.

The show will be offered on two different nights, with the aim of accommodating more spectators and avoiding crowds.

On September 22 and 23, Barcelona will host the show Formas de Barcelona, a production specially commissioned by the city to the specialist company Flock Drone Arte. It is an unprecedented choreography with a swarm of 300 drones that the company will premiere at 10:00 p.m. at the Espigón del Gas.
Last year, Flock Drone Art The show took part in the La Mercè festivities for the first time. Following the success of the first show, this year's show will be on display over two days instead of one, thereby avoiding crowds. Formas de Barcelona is a choreography of light, music and colour that is new and was designed exclusively for the city. This fusion of art and technology explores geometric shapes and transforms them into iconic symbols of Barcelona. The 300 drones will dance for 16 minutes to the rhythm of original music.
It all starts with simple shapes of circles and squares, which gradually transform into the architectural wonders of Barcelona. Geometric shapes and Barcelona symbols continually merge and transform, creating a visual narrative that celebrates the interrelationship between art, architecture and urban space.

Thanks to its large-format shows, Flock Drone Arte has become one of the leading companies in the use of drones in mass events. In recent years, it has held hundreds of shows, making these shows one of the major bets for the coming years by public and private institutions that demand this service in their events. The shows of the Catalan company have toured Spain, Europe and Africa, gathering hundreds of thousands of people and have received international awards and recognition. Flock Drone Arte offers an innovative experience in the world of entertainment, lighting and communication. An avant-garde proposal that recalls the
The magic of fireworks but with the latest technology in aerial lighting
of drones. Over the past year, *Flock Drone Arte's 1,000 drones have lit up the skies
from many points in Spain and Morocco, among others, to celebrate events and festivals,
bringing together hundreds of thousands of people.

Fact sheet “Forms of Barcelona”

Drones: 300
Artistic direction: Fran Arnau and Ernest Biosca
Technical team and pilots: Vasyl Zhurman, Joel Johera, Joan Milà, Roc Faixedas, Jan
Brotons and Josep Duro
3D Animation: Carlos Delgado and David Fernandez
Design: Naila Gordils and Eric Julia